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24-Dec-2015Opposing effects of nitrogen versus phosphorus additions on mycorrhizal fungal abundance along an elevational gradient in tropical montane forestsHomeier, J.; Camenzind, T.; Suarez Chacon, J.
-Mycorrhizal fungi and plant diversity in tropical mountain rainforest of southern EcuadorSuarez Chacon, J.
-Mycorrhizal Preferences And Fine Spatial Structure Of The Epiphytic Orchid Epidendrum RhopalosteleCruz Sarmiento, D.; Riofrio Guaman, M.; Suarez Chacon, J.
-Guilds of mycorrhizal fungi and their relation to trees, ericads, orchids and liverworts in a neotropical mountain rain forestSetaro, S.; Haug, I.; Oberwinkler, F.; Weiss, M.; Nebel, M.; Preussing, M.; Suarez Chacon, J.
-Diverse tulasnelloid fungi form mycorrhizas with epiphytic orchids in an Andean cloud forestAbele, A.; Oberwinkler, F.; Weiss, M.; Garnica, S.; Suarez Chacon, J.
-Diversity Of Terrestrial Microalgae (Including Lichen Photobionts) Along An Altitudinal Gradient In A Tropical Mountain Forest (Ecuador)Beck, A.; Friedl, T.; Fasshauer, F.; Suarez Chacon, J.
-Atractiellomycetes belonging to the rust lineage (Pucciniomycotina) form mycorrhizae with terrestrial and epiphytic neotropical orchidsBauer, R.; Herrera Vargas, P.; Haug, I.; Cruz Sarmiento, D.; Garnica, S.; Suarez Chacon, J.
20-Jun-2016Morphological revision of Tulasnellaceae, with two new species of Tulasnella and new records of Tulasnella spp. for EcuadorPiepenbring, M.; Cruz Sarmiento, D.; Suarez Chacon, J.
1-Oct-2015Metabolic profiling of alpine and ecuadorian lichensMittermeier, V.; Eisenreich, W.; Volk, L.; Schmitt, N.; Beck, A.; Suarez Chacon, J.
-Cryptic species revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis of sequences obtained from basidiomata of TulasnellaCruz Sarmiento, D.; Suarez Chacon, J.