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Title: Plan de mejoramiento de la calidad de los servicios brindados por los Organismos de Justicia basado en la percepción de víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar de la ciudad de Quito en 2016
Authors: Toledo Macas, Elisa Evelyn
Arteaga Orbe, Carla Paulina
Keywords: Justicia – Servicios – Quito(Ecuador)
Violencia intrafamiliar – Ecuador
Magíster en gestión y desarrollo social – Tesis y disertaciones académicas
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Arteaga Orbe, Carla Paulina. (2017). Plan de mejoramiento de la calidad de los servicios brindados por los Organismos de Justicia basado en la percepción de víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar de la ciudad de Quito en 2016. (Trabajo de Titulación de Magíster en Gestión y Desarrollo Social ). UTPL, Quito
Abstract: The present titling work establishes the possibility to elaborate a plan of improvement of the quality of the services provided by the Justice Organizations based on the perception of victims of intrafamily violence of the city of Quito in 2016, determining intrafamily violence in the legislation and Which allows evaluating the perception of the victims regarding the services provided by the Legal Entities, defining the current situation of the processes that serve to develop strategies to improve the service provided; Through a descriptive quantitative field investigation that will be collected through the establishment of a population of 5,975 cases under study with a level of 95% and an error of 5%, estimating a sample of 361 cases; Which allowed to conclude that the services provided were regular or bad in 74% of the cases, so that strategies were evaluated to evaluate compliance with the norms and procedures implemented, as well as to follow up the social, psychological and medical situation that May have the victim of domestic violence The present titling work establishes the possibility to elaborate a plan of improvement of the quality of the services provided by the Justice Organizations based on the perception of victims of intrafamily violence of the city of Quito in 2016, determining intrafamily violence in the legislation and Which allows evaluating the perception of the victims regarding the services provided by the Legal Entities, defining the current situation of the processes that serve to develop strategies to improve the service provided; Through a descriptive quantitative field investigation that will be collected through the establishment of a population of 5,975 cases under study with a level of 95% and an error of 5%, estimating a sample of 361 cases; Which allowed to conclude that the services provided were regular or bad in 74% of the cases, so that strategies were evaluated to evaluate compliance with the norms and procedures implemented, as well as to follow up the social, psychological and medical situation that May have the victim of domestic violence
Description: El presente trabajo de titulación propone la elaboración de un plan de mejoramiento de la calidad de los servicios brindados por los Organismos de Justicia basado en la percepción de víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar de la ciudad de Quito en 2016, lo que permite evaluar la percepción de las víctimas con respecto a los servicios brindados por los Organismos de Justicia, definiendo la situación actual de los procesos que sirvan para desarrollar estrategias para mejorar el servicio brindado; mediante una investigación de campo de carácter cuantitativa descriptiva que será recolectada mediante la establecimiento de una población de 5.975 casos en estudio, con un nivel del 95% y un error del 5% estimando una muestra de 361 casos; cuyo análisis permitió concluir que los servicios brindados eran regulares o malos en el 74% de los casos, por lo que se planteó estrategias para el cumplimiento de las normas y procedimientos implementados y para dar seguimiento a la situación social, psicológica y médica que pueda tener la víctima de violencia intrafamiliar
Appears in Collections:Magíster en Gestión y Desarrollo Social

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