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dc.contributor.advisorOñate Valdivieso, Fernando Rodrigoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorRomero Camacho, Héctor Alejandroes_ES
dc.identifier.citationRomero Camacho, Héctor Alejandro. (2018). Validación de un software para el cálculo del balance hídrico en cuencas hidrográficas. (Trabajo de Titulación de Ingeniero Civil ). UTPL, Loja.es_ES
dc.descriptionAbstract:The present work of end of titration shows the validation of the BaWare software, which was developed by programming with modules in the PYTHON language and calculates the water balance by means of temperature and precipitation data obtained from meteorological stations, and the characteristics of latitude and area. The calibration of the water balance obtained uses parameters whose values are defined for each basin by the software. The validation is done by collecting data from several basins with different characteristics and after obtaining the results, the effectiveness of the program is determined, comparing the values of the correlation indexes of the objective functions. Using BaWare, better results were obtained when the area of the basin was 462 km2, this being the smallest area; the basin is located in mid-latitudes where extreme climates do not occur; the data entered are homogeneous and the values used in the calibration parameters have 4 or more decimals.es_ES
dc.subjectRecursos hídricos.es_ES
dc.subjectIngeniero civil.-es_ES
dc.titleValidación de un software para el cálculo del balance hídrico en cuencas hidrográficases_ES
Appears in Collections:Ingeniero Civil

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