Browsing by Subject licenciado en ciencias de la educación mencion ingles- Tesis y disertaciones académicas

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Análisis de los métodos y técnicas utilizadas para la enseñanza de estudios sociales en primer curso del ciclo básico de los colegios : Corina Parral de Velasco Ibarra, Tres de Marzo y nocturno Chimbo en el período lectivo 1993 - 1994Alvear Sánchez, Beatriz Noemi; Carrera Ocaña, Norma Alicia; Cocha Silva, Angel Antonio; Villacres Gonzalez, Mariana de Jesus
1999Semantic study of loan phrases and words taken from the English language and introduced into spanish language and the cultural influence in the exercise the teenagers of the fourth courses of the Bernardo Valdivieso and Santa Mariana de Jesus schools of Loja cityCastillo, Geovany; Espinosa, Mónica; Ocampo, Marcela
1999Stages of the learning process aimed at the development of oral fluency with the students of the four courses in the San Antonio de Pauda High Schoool in Tulcan City province of CarchiNesterenko, Nina Alexandrovna; Peñafiel Arcos, Edison
1998Summary of the classroom tasks undertaken at Diez de agosto High School with fith year students during the period 1995-4996Rojas Soria, Graciela; Rojas Ampudia, Irma
1998The new evaluation system proposed by the cradle projeck and its the influence on the students archiviment from classes one two and three of the public nighy schools of city of LojaSarango Palacios, Efrén Eduardo; Astudillo Iñiguez, Irma Ligia; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Ana Maria
1999The creadle Project and its effects in the Enghish language learning of the students of second year of diversifield cycle from Luis Vargas Torres and Margarita Cortes Schools in Esmeraldas city during the schools year 1998-1999 /Castillo, Geovany; Astudillo, Estuardo
1989The importance of becoming a skilled teacher of English as a foreing languageSalinas Vera, Victor; Zavala, Genoveva
1987The use of the stick figure technique in teaching English as a second languageBurneo, Maria de Lourdes; Molina, Maria de Lourdes