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Title: Assessment of the Influence of Technology-Based Distracted Driving on Drivers Infractions and Their Subsequent Impact on Traffic Accidents Severity
Authors: García-Herrero, Susana
Febres, Juan Diego
Boulagouas, Wafa
Gutiérrez, José Manuel
Mariscal Saldaña, Miguel Ángel
Keywords: Technology-Based
Drivers Infractions
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Abstract: Multitasking while driving negatively affects driving performance and threatens people's lives every day. Moreover, technology-based distractions are among the top driving distractions that are proven to divert the driver's attention away from the road and compromise their safety. This study employs recent data on road traffic accidents that occurred in Spain and uses a machine-learning algorithm to analyze, in the first place, the influence of technology-based distracted driving on drivers infractions considering the gender and age of the drivers and the zone and the type of vehicle. It assesses, in the second place, the impact of drivers infractions on the severity of traffic accidents. Findings show that (i) technology-based distractions are likely to increase the probability of committing aberrant infractions and speed infractions; (ii) technology-based distracted young drivers are more likely to speed and commit aberrant infractions; (iii) distracted motorcycles and squad riders are found more likely to speed; (iv) the probability of committing infractions by distracted drivers increases on streets and highways; and, finally, (v) drivers infractions lead to serious injuries.
ISSN: 34281092
Appears in Collections:Artículos de revistas Científicas

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