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Title: Implementación de Estrategias Socialmente Responsables para la Gestión Administrativa en las Asociaciones Agroproductivas del Ecuador, Año 2017 Caso de Estudio Asociación Campesina Siempre Unidos Huertas /
Authors: Costa Ruíz, Mónica Patricia
Díaz Saraguro, Mercedes Fabiani
Keywords: Responsabilidad social empresarial.
Empresas-- -Protección del medio ambiente
Magíster en gestión de la responsabilidad social corporativa
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Díaz Saraguro, Mercedes Fabiani. (2018). Implementación de Estrategias Socialmente Responsables para la Gestión Administrativa en las Asociaciones Agroproductivas del Ecuador, Año 2017 Caso de Estudio Asociación Campesina Siempre Unidos Huertas /. (Trabajo de Titulación de Magister en Responsabilidad Social Corporativa ). UTPL, Loja.
Description: Resumen: The present investigation has like objective the implementation of socially responsible strategies for the administrative management of the Peasant Association "Siempre Unidos Huertas" of the Guachanamá parish of the Paltas canton, province of Loja. The methods used were deductive, inductive and descriptive. Techniques were applied, such as the documentary and archival bibliographic review, as well as the VEO organizational status assessment instrument. As a result of the investigation, the diagnosis of the organization was obtained according to the results of the application of the VEO instrument and its five axes: Human development, Business and services, Management and administration, Heritage and Democracy and participation; and on the basis of this information, the proposal for an Administrative Management Model was proposed. The contribution provided by the research to the "Siempre Unidos Huertas" Association will minimize the risks of the investment; optimize human and economic resources to achieve the objectives; develop learning and innovation by assuming a continuous improvement model and designing strategies with a social responsibility approach.
Appears in Collections:Maestria en Gestión de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

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