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dc.contributor.advisorMaldonado Rengel, Ruth Elizabethes_ES
dc.contributor.authorLoján Tenezaca, Ingrid Scarlettes_ES
dc.identifier.citationLoján Tenezaca, Ingrid Scarlett. (2018). Factores de riesgo para embarazo adolescente en los colegios Bernardo Valdivieso y Pio Jaramillo Alvarado periodo Agosto 2016Julio 2017. (Trabajo de Titulación de Medico ). UTPL, Loja.es_ES
dc.descriptionAbstract:The present study was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional and prospective approach that was carried out in the "Bernardo Valdivieso" and "Pio Jaramillo Alvarado" high schools in the period August 2016-July 2017, it aim to determine the predisposing factors for pregnancy In school-aged adolescents from the mentioned high schools. To obtain data, a structured survey of closed and dichotomous responses was applied, Rosenberg Test, FF-SIL Family Function Test, Beck Depression Test and Beck Anxiety Test. Within this investigation it was determined that the main predisposing factors for adolescent pregnancy were: ignorance of contraceptive methods 63.7%; Being the daughter of an adolescent mother 45.4%; Adolescents believe in myths about sexuality 41.6%; Mild depression 15.7%, moderate 14% or severe 15.7%; low self-esteem by 13%. Finally, 30.5% of the adolescents who participated in this study presented moderate anxiety and 28% severe This research is of vital importance because it exposes those factors that really constitute a risk factor and to which preventive actions should be directed.es_ES
dc.subjectAdolescentes - Embarazo.es_ES
dc.subjectEmbarazo - Complicaciones.es_ES
dc.titleFactores de riesgo para embarazo adolescente en los colegios Bernardo Valdivieso y Pio Jaramillo Alvarado periodo Agosto 2016Julio 2017es_ES
Appears in Collections:Médico

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