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Title: Evaluación hidrometalúrgica por cianuración de los concentrados gravimétricos de la Empresa Ecoluxen SA
Authors: Sanmartín Gutierrez, Víctor Aurelio
Palacios Sánchez, Alfonso Agustín
Keywords: Hidrometalurgia.
Tecnología de cianuración.
Ingeniero químico
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Palacios Sánchez, Alfonso Agustín. (2018). Evaluación hidrometalúrgica por cianuración de los concentrados gravimétricos de la Empresa Ecoluxen SA. (Trabajo de Titulación de Ingeniero Químico ). UTPL, Loja.
Description: Abstract:This research studies the behavior of the gravimetric concentrate from the Ecoluxen company, through tests of cyanidation to determine the operating conditions to obtain the highest gold recovery. A physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization of the material was performed and, through a valuable mesh analysis, it was determined that gold is in greater quantity at 125 μm with 33.65%. In the cyanidation assays, 70.21% gold recovery was obtained for the 68 μm material, with a consumption of 12.69 kg / ton of NaCN and 0.61 kg / ton of CaO, and subsequently a pretreatment of oxidizing roasting of the material was performed to determine if it improves metal recovery Using the chiddey method, the highest gold recovery was 73.15% for the cyanide solution of 73 μm, and finally the economic evaluation was made for the best operating conditions, for 20 tn / month of gravimetric concentrate, using the current price of gold and the cost of reagents of the importer MINASUR, obtaining a profit of $ 17220.40.
Appears in Collections:Ingeniero Químico

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