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Title: A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in ecuadorian magazines
Authors: Paredes Zúñiga, Fabián Marcelo
González Rodríguez, Rina Esperanza
Keywords: Ecuador.
Tesis digital.
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: González Rodríguez, R. E. Paredes Zúñiga, F. M. (2010) A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in ecuadorian magazines [Tesis de Grado, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja]. Repositorio Institucional.
Abstract: Abstract: The theme for our research project is A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF ANGLICISMS IN ECUADORIAN MAGAZINES. Since this is a current phenomenon in our society, which has shown up within the last few years, its focus of attention is over their linguistic role in Ecuadorian magazines. The Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja has launched a project that has to be carried out by the pre-graduate students of English all over Ecuador, and this particular investigation has been done in the city of Azogues where all kinds of magazines were found, from cultural ones to scholarly and those of general interest. A qualitative and quantitative study, based on the linguistic, sociological, ideological and cultural aspects, has been made. Many magazines were sifted through to find the actual required data, a bibliographic, analytical, and descriptive method, were used. After finding and analyzing the information, it is clear that our language is gradually loosing territory, so to speak, or should it rather be said that the Spaz&nish language is being enriched by the increasing use of anglicisms, which may result in a cultural change, provoking modifications in the everyday language use; with this reflection it may be concluded that through this work we have accomplished our main objective, which, we hope, will contribute to the understanding that language is a dynamic social phenomenon, especially in the technological field, where most anglicisms were2found, as if they were a new language, common to all human beings, that is spoken in a new technological, virtual world. Changes in the structure and functions of language have been registered, and it may be a result of a clear social factor, related to the perception of the English language as a universal one, and the snobbish kind of image that writers try to display.
Description: Resumen: ND.
Appears in Collections:Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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