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Title: A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in ecuadorian newspapers
Authors: Pazmiño Haro, Patricia Mercedes
Hidalgo Garzón, César Alexander
Keywords: Ecuador.
Tesis digital.
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: Hidalgo Garzón, C. A. Pazmiño Haro, P. M. (2010) A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in ecuadorian newspapers [Tesis de Grado, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja]. Repositorio Institucional.
Abstract: Abstract: This study was carried out in Tumbaco which is a valley located next to Quito. The main objective of this research was to make a descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in three Ecuadorian newspapers, and to include etymological, syntactic, lexical-semantic and morphological aspects about anglicisms using the quantitative and qualitative method. The current research was performed using three different Ecuadorian newspapers : a National, a Local and a Tabloid. These three newspapers were chosen in order to find out what the most common anglicisms used in these newspapers were.After choosing the newspapers, the next step was to find out and analyze the anglicisms used in the different newspapers. However, the results were very disappointing because it could be found many English words used in these newspapers although, only a few of them were anglicisms. In some cases the Anglicisms were repeated more than once.The methods used to collect the information for this research were the analytical and the bibliograpzahic methods, which served as the scientific and theoretical support in the analysis and description of the newspaper materials. Also, observation and interviews were used in this investigation. Furthermore, charts and notes were used to tabulate the results obtained from the newspapers, which were the most important tools for developing this research.
Description: Resumen: ND.
Appears in Collections:Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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