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dc.contributor.advisorLizaldes Espinosa, Orlando-
dc.contributor.authorGallegos Haro, Jessica Patricia-
dc.identifier.citationGallegos Haro, Jessica Patricia. (2011). A Descriptive Analysis of Anglicisms Used in Ecuadorian Newspapers. (Trabajo de Fin de Titulación de Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés). UTPL. Ibarra. 131pp.es_ES
dc.descriptionInstitución: UTPL. Grado: Lic. Inglés. Director: Lizaldes E Orlando. Nota: DROM. Modalidad: Abierta. ABSTRACTThe theme of the current investigation is A descriptive analysis of Anglicisms used in Ecuadorian newspapers.This research considers the newspapers that circulate in Ibarra city. El Comercio, and El Extra are newspapers of national circulation, El Norte newspaper circulates in the north of Ecuador. The study shows that all of them use Anglicisms in most of their sections. To support this information and to obtain significant results a theoretical background was structured and, I also had the advice from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, which provided me with the methodological design for this research. The methodology carried out was the use of the logical, inductive and deductive methods that helped with the analysis of the use of Anglicisms in the media described. To fulfill the field information the primary techniques were used through surveys and interviews to the people who work in newspapers and that are object to investigation, and to do it so, instruments of gathering informaz$tion were prepared. The information is presented in descriptive charts containing the Anglicisms, title of the article, number of repetitions, and date of publication. The results show that the ads and sports sections incurred greatly in the use of Anglicisms with 33% and 32% respectively.es_ES
dc.titleA Descriptive Analysis of Anglicisms Used in Ecuadorian Newspaperses_ES
Appears in Collections:Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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