Browsing by Subject Inglés. Enseñanza

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016English Language Students and their Motivation to Learn the LanguageEspinosa Jaramillo, Franklin Oswaldo; Cañar Herrera, Segundo humberto; jumbo Jumbo, Irma Maribel
2015English language students and their motivation to learn the languageNesterenko, Nina; Klocke, Jeremy Jacob
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageParedes Zuñiga, Fabián Marcelo; Díaz Iza, Harold José
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageNesterenko, Nina; Loja Peralta, Silvia del Rocío; Villegas Campoverde, Karla Lorena
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageParedes Zuñiga, Fabián Marcelo; López Zambrano, María Fernanda
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageVargas Saritama, Alba Bitalina; Cruz Figueroa, María Elizabeth
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageNestrenko, Nina; Salmón Morales, Susana Beatriz
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Berrezueta Orellana, Susana; Pintado Sarmiento, María Eugenia
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageVargas Saritama, Alba Bitalina; Palacio Ojeda, Johanna Estefania
2017English language students and their motivation to learn the language, estudio realizado en la Unidad Educativa Particular Bilingüe “Martim Cerere” de la ciudad de Quito, provincia de Pichincha en el año lectivo 2015-2016Cabrera Solano, Paola Alexandra; Valle Gutiérrez, Silvia Natalia
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the language, studio realizado en la Unidad Educativa SanVicente Ferrer, del cantón Pastaza, provincia de Pastaza en el año lectivo 2015- 2016Arias Córdova, María Olivia; Velástegui Molina, Débora Irene
2017English language students and their motivations to learn languagePinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Villa Quinotocto, Jorge Norberto
2016English language students are their motivation to learn the languageLizaldes Espinoza, Orlando Vicente; Grimaldos Urrea, Soraida
2016Factores que afectan el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del idioma Inglés en colegios públicos del Ecuador; estudio llevado a cabo en seis colegios públicos diferentes de Guayaquil y un colegio público de Molleturo, provincia del Azuay. Periodo lectivo 2012-2013Arias Córdova, María Olivia; Cruz Palacios, Silvia María
2016Factors that influence the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Espíndola Lara, Mónica Gabriela; Herrera Quishpi, María Margarita
2016Factors that influence the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Vaca Cáceres, Janneth Liliam
2016Students´ perceptions on the factors that influence their willingness to orally communicate in the EFL classroom in Ecuadorian high schoolsToro Gallardo, Lisset Vanessa; Muñoz Sánchez, Lenin Trajano
2016Students’ perceptions on the factors that influence their willingness to orally communicate in the EFL classroom in Ecuadorian high schoolsInga Ordoñez, Gabriela Cecibel; Sánchez Suárez, Johanna Paola
2016Students’ perceptions on the factors that influence their willingness to orally communicate in the EFL classroom in Ecuadorian high schoolsSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Inga Quizhpe, Raúl Guillermo
2017Students’ perceptions on the factors that influence their willingness to orally communicate in the EFL classroom in Ecuadorian high schoolsSalcedo Viteri, Karina Soledad; Tipanluisa Tandayamo, Leonidas