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Título : Diseño arquitectónico de una residencia de tratamiento geriátrico en la ciudad de Loja.
Autor : Espejo Jaramillo, Carlos Enrique
Salinas Arévalo, Salvador Andrés.
Palabras clave : Diseño arquitectónico
Estructuras públicas
Residencias geriátricas
Arquitecto – Tesis y disertaciones académicas
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Citación : Salinas Arévalo, Salvador Andrés. (2015). Diseño arquitectónico de una residencia de tratamiento geriátrico en la ciudad de Loja. (Trabajo de Titulación de Arquitecto9. UTPL, Loja.
Resumen : The architectural design has been the area of choice for the project in order to degree in the faculty of architecture, in which a specific reference to the welfare of the community was chosen problem. After making the appropriate and necessary research within the selected type, it was found that there is an increase in the elderly population, not only locally but globally thus the need to intervene through our media in this vulnerable sector elderly, their needs, care, recreation, etc., in order for its development in our country and his participation in it, thus making this work and architectural design to conduct a Private Geriatric Treatment. A comprehensive feasibility study of the project on the site, services and requirements it entails to be an efficient and functional residence where seniors who need their services be accepted, temporary, permanent or eventually, and in turn drew people they are close to reaching this stage as a space for setting and testing to this new stage of life. The problem of the project, according to studies, is focused on one of the points of highest incidence in this group, abandonment both at home and in nursing homes that provide residence deficiency still evident in the attention their families and professionals in the daily live, and lack - lack of a suitable environment for their development and developing an active part of society and why not to play a roll in the same through workshops and therapies. Thus creating a Geriatric Treatment residence, where the design meets all requirements to develop a safe environment for the care, development and very important to maintain or recover their autonomy, in an attractive and functional environment while eliminating cloister that erroneous consideration and used as a threat: “bring the elderly to a nursing home.” Information collected by an analysis of this population in the city of Loja is established, and with the knowledge gained an architectural blueprint containing applies: architectural design of the entire residence, weighting of land, site analysis to implement, floor plans, elevations, perspectives and sections. To make the presentation of the architectural design previously developed some standards related to the development of the elderly in different areas requiring residence, also establishing an architectural, graphs and matrices relations program, architectural party, geometric alternatives, form and function; to finally obtain an efficient design that meets the needs and care of the elderly in a space designed exclusively for them.
Descripción : El adulto mayor y su participación en la sociedad es de suma importancia, para ello un espacio digno y confortable en el que se pueda desenvolver pero sobre todo conservar o recuperar su autonomía se convirtió en el resultado de nuestra investigación, una residencia de tratamiento geriátrico que brinde los recursos necesarios: área médica, talleres, terapias, espacios de esparcimiento, etc., adaptados y para el público en general. Un lugar de interacción entre los residentes, sus familiares, amigos personas en general que deseen compartir su tiempo libre. La arquitectura es el medio para llevar a cabo esta obra de bienestar social para adultos mayores que han sido abandonados en residencias o en el hogar, y de la misma manera amenazados por un concepto erróneo de una residencia considerándola como un claustro en el cual van a vivir, quizá porque sus hijos o responsables no les dedican el tiempo suficiente, o por la falta de lugares apropiados, por esto y muchas razones más se consideró incorporar estándares básicos tomados en cuenta a la hora de realizar la propuesta arquitectónica.
URI : http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/12656
Aparece en las colecciones: Arquitecto

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