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Título : La Constitución de la República del Ecuador como Garante de la Seguridad Jurídica
Autor : Luzuriaga Muñoz, Enrique David
Campoverde Jiménez, Washington de Jesús
Palabras clave : Seguridad jurídica
Conflictos sociales
Constitución de la República del Ecuador
Abogado - Tesis y disertaciones académicas
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Citación : Campoverde Jiménez, Washington de Jesús.(2017).La Constitución de la República del Ecuador como Garante de la Seguridad Jurídica(Trabajo de Titulación de Abogado.UTPL, Loja )
Resumen : In order to state whether or not there is legal security in Ecuador, and what is even more important, even if the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador is a guarantee or not for Legal Security, it must determine the fundamental role played by the State through the Constitution Of the Republic of Ecuador in protection of legal security guaranteeing social peace and good living, these two characteristics being synonymous with justice within a State. The problem arises when legal action is manifested in the different courts of the country, because our Constitution expressly states that there is legal certainty and that this is manifested in respect for existing legal regulations and that it is up to all judicial bodies to exercise it , And for the other part that is not represented in the decision-making of the judiciary, that is to say, there is a contradiction between the established norm and the actions of those responsible for executing justice. Since it is concluded that legal security is manifested in respect for the legal system established through the positivist system that governs our nation is to say that the state must guarantee the coexistence between people who inhabit a space, and to ensure this is due to resort to positivize the right and, above all, to anticipate that norms outside our legal system can alter the regimes of harmony, the same ones that were created with the punctuality of dispelling social conflicts. As a final part, we conclude and recommend the measures that are convenient to meet the proposed objectives, this has been possible thanks to field research through interviews and surveys conducted by law professionals
Descripción : La Constitución ecuatoriana manifiesta explícitamente que garantiza la seguridad jurídica; que esta se manifiesta en el respeto a la normativa legal existente; y que corresponde a todos los organismos judiciales ejercerla; por la otra parte no se ve representado en las decisiones de los operadores de justicia, es decir existe contradicción entre la norma establecida y la ejecución de estas por los encargados de aplicar justicia. La seguridad jurídica se manifiesta en el respeto al sistema legal establecido a través del sistema positivista que rige en nuestra nación es decir que el estado deberá garantizar la convivencia entre las personas que habitan un espacio, y para garantizar esto se debe recurrir a positivar el derecho y más que todo a prever que normas fuera del sistema legal nuestro pueden alterar los regímenes de armonía, los mismos que fueron creados con la puntualidad de disipar conflictos sociales.
URI : http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/16564
Aparece en las colecciones: Abogado

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