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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Feb-2015Roadmap towards the openness of educational resources: Outcomes of the participation in the eMadrid networkPiedra Pullaguari, N.; Lopez Vargas, J.; Tovar, E.; Chicaiza Espinosa, J.
1-Jan-2016Intrinsic features for accessible OER [Características inherentes para OER�s accesibles]Morocho Yunga, J.; Romero Pelaez, A.
1-Dec-2013Using linked open data to improve the search of open educational resources for engineering studentsPiedra Pullaguari, N.; Chicaiza Espinosa, J.; Lopez Vargas, J.
18-Jul-2011Finding OERs with social-semantic searchPiedra Pullaguari, N.; Chicaiza Espinosa, J.; Lopez Vargas, J.; Martínez, O.
27-Jul-2012Combining Linked Data and mobiles devices to improve access to OCWPiedra Pullaguari, N.; Chicaiza Espinosa, J.; Lopez Vargas, J.
1-Jan-2015Seeking open educational resources to compose massive open online courses in engineering education an approach based on linked open dataTovar, E.; Piedra Pullaguari, N.; Chicaiza Espinosa, J.; Lopez Vargas, J.
18-Jul-2011Quality model proposal for educational material production in OCW sitesPiedra Pullaguari, N.; Tovar, E.; Romero Pelaez, A.
1-Jan-2014Domain categorization of open educational resources based on linked dataTovar, E.; Piedra Pullaguari, N.; Chicaiza Espinosa, J.; Lopez Vargas, J.
12-Mar-2012OER development and promotion. Outcomes of an international research project on the OpenCourseWare modelLopez Vargas, J.; Piedra Pullaguari, N.; Chicaiza Espinosa, J.; Tovar, E.; Martínez, O.