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Resultados 1-10 de 652.
Resultados por ítem:
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-ene-2011What Factors Affect Diversity and Species Composition of Endangered Tumbesian Dry Forests in Southern Ecuador?Cabrera Cisneros, H.; Escudero, A.; Luzuriaga, A.; Espinosa íñiguez, C.
-Seed Dispersal Spectrum of Woody Species in South Ecuadorian Dry Forests: Environmental Correlates and the Effect of Considering Species AbundanceMendez, M.; De La Cruz, M.; Jara Guerrero, A.
-Features and catalytic properties of RhCu: A reviewIllas, F.; Gonzalez Perez, S.; Sousa, C.
-Application of GIS and remote sensing techniques in generation of land use scenarios for hydrological modelingOñate Valdivieso, F.; Bosque, J.
2017Conocimientos ancestrales y procesos de desarrollo: nacionalidades indígenas del EcuadorVerdú Delgado, Ana Dolores
1-ene-2010The use of new communication systems: UTPL brand and digital campaignes [Uso de noevas formas de comunicación: La marca universitaria UTPL y campañas digitales]Paladines Galarza, F.; Velasquez Benavides, A.
-Digital divide in universities: Internet use in ecuadorian universitiesTorres Diaz, J.; Infante, A.
-Comparative analysis between the techniques used in the Requirements Engineering, evaluating such techniques forehead to the characteristics of software projectsValdivieso, D.; Jaramillo Hurtado, D.
-Microstructure and optical properties of alpha - Fe2 O3 containing F-centresRivera Escobar, R.; Stashans, A.; Gonzalez, S.
-An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe, EcuadorMalagon Aviles, O.; Vidari, G.; Zaragoza, T.; Tene, V.; Armijos Riofrio, C.; Finzi, P.