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Título : The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classes
Autor : Gándara Espinosa, María Cristina
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: urneo Burneo Rosario María, Rosario María
Palabras clave : Educación
Materiales de enseñanza
Ciencias de la Educación - Tesis
metadata.dc.date.available: 2012-05-07
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Citación : Gándara Espinosa,, María Cristina. (2012). The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classes. (Tesis de Ciencias de la Educación - Ingles). UTPL. Quito. pp. 62.
Descripción : This study called “The use of supplementary materials for teaching EFL classes” analyzes and determines the type of supporting materials used by teachers in the learning process. This research was carried out in Quito, during the 2010-2011 school year in a private school, where English is taught with the same intensity as Spanish. The sample consisted in ten class observations applied to 4th, 5th and 6th grades; and the materials taken into account were visuals, audio, audio-visual, realia and on line ones. A qualitative method was applied to investigate and evaluate the supplementary material in order to see how pertinent, appropriate and qualified it was for each class. Direct observation was carried out inside the classrooms to retrieve real information on the way the material was used. Next, surveys were applied among teachers and students to identify their perceptions in the learning process. Finally, frequency of use was determined with a quantitative analysis. After completing the corresponding analysis, it was determined that teachers in this school use supplementary materials in EFL classes.
metadata.dc.identifier.other: 371X2723
URI : http:/dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/2859
metadata.dc.rights: openAccess
metadata.dc.type: bachelorThesis
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación

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