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Título : A descriptive analysis of Anglicisms used in ecuadorian magazines
Autor : Cabrera, Paola
Kurtich, Tricia Jo
Palabras clave : Lingüística
Anglicismos hispanos
Anglicismos en revistas ecuatorianas
Ciencias de la educación - Inglés – Tesis.
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Citación : Kurtich, Tricia Jo. (2011). A descriptive analysis of Anglicisms used in ecuadorian magazines. (Tesis de Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés). UTPL, Santo Domingo. pp. 88.
Descripción : The purpose of this research is to provide a descriptive analysis of anglicisms among Ecuadorian magazines which aims at developing a linguistic analysis of the phenomena of anglicims. This study was conducted in Santo Domingo Ecuador using six magazines that were divided into three categories: Scholarly, General Interest, and Cultural. The two scholarly magazines were “Popular Mechanics” and “American Economia”. The magazines chosen for the general interest variable were “Vanidades” and “Maxi Belleza”. Two magazines for the culturally magazine were found in the Pinchincha province in the city of Quito and are the following: “La Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriano Benjamin Carrion N. 69 and N. 70”. The qualitative and quantitative methods were applied detailing the anglicisms from the research and the frequency in which they occurred. Anglicisms appeared in all three variables but not at alarming rates. There appears to be an increase in Anglicism usage in realms such as technology and economics due to the major advances being made every day to improve the communication at global levels.
URI : http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4174
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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