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Título : A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in ecuadorian news papers
Autor : Burneo, Rosario María
Bravo Hurtado, Mayra Cecilia
Calle Lafebre, Bolívar Humberto
Palabras clave : Linguistica
Anglicismos - Diarios Ecuatorianos
Anglicismos hispanos
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Citación : Bravo Hurtado, Mayra Cecilia. Calle Lafebre, Bolívar Humberto. (2010). A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in ecuadorian news papers. (Tesis de Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Mención Inglés). UTPL. Cuenca. pp 122.
Descripción : The aim of this research is focused on how anglicisms have been introduced in the Spanish language use, and how these words or terms affect the comprehension of newspaper readers. Regarding the methods used, the bibliographic one was useful to collect the scientific material for the literature review; the descriptive and analytic methods were used to carry out the descriptive and statistical analysis, as well as, the interpretation of the found data. In addition, the instruments employed were questionnaires, newspapers, computers, flash memories, books, dictionaries, and stationery supplies. After finishing the analysis of the newspaper information, it was found that the use of anglicisms is the highest in the variable 'El Universo', which is a national newspaper, and the subvariable with most anglicisms was “advertisements”.
URI : http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/7407
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación

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