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Título : Análisis de los principales influencers en Ecuador en el sector político, su interactividad y real influencia en Facebook
Autor : Valdiviezo Abad, Karen Cesibe
Román Muñoz, María Paula
Palabras clave : Redes Sociales.-
Comunicación - Influencia.
Licenciado en relaciones públicas.-
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Citación : Román Muñoz, María Paula. (2018). Análisis de los principales influencers en Ecuador en el sector político, su interactividad y real influencia en Facebook. (Trabajo de Titulación de Licenciado en Relaciones Publicas). UTPL, Loja.
Descripción : Abstract:The present research analysis of the main influencers in Ecuador of the political sector, their interactivity and real influence on Facebook, shows the study about the politicians that are most influential in their domain area and the impact that each of them has in the network above mentioned social The study sample was determined from the 33 political influencers with more followers is their fanpage according to the Fanpage Karma tool. Being part of this research, the 10 main influencers with the greatest reception of the users. Where through direct observation it was possible to verify each publication of the influencers of the first quarter of 2018 in order to know how good interaction they have with their followers, and if they maintain a bidirectional communication with them, which brands they represent and if the schedules in which they publish are adequate to generate greater reach. It is possible to emphasize that the methods used for the present investigation are: qualitative, knows the type of content that they publish, and the quantitative one, to know exactly the data regarding numbering.
URI : http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/20.500.11962/23442
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciado en Relaciones Públicas

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