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dc.contributor.advisorGonzález Torres, Paúl Fernandoes_ES
dc.contributor.authorValladolid Jumbo, Jenny Piedades_ES
dc.identifier.citationValladolid Jumbo, Jenny Piedad. González Torres, Paúl Fernando.(2021). The use of Google Classroom to enhance writing skills among EFL learners . Universidad Técnica Particular de Lojaes_ES
dc.descriptionResumen: Learning how to effectively write in English is considered as a complex process for EFL learners whose mother tongue interfere when they try to produce writing tasks at school. Therefore, it requires more emphasis for English teachers to select appropriate and innovative methodologies to persuade learners writing development. Google Classroom (GC)is one of the newest e-learning platforms which is used for teaching and learning English. For this reason, it becomes essential to conduct this study with the aim to investigate the effects of using Google Classroom to enhance writing skills among 46 EFL learners from ninth grade and applying the survey to 4 English teachers at a public high school of the city of Loja. This study is based on a quasi-experimental design. The instruments used were pre and post-test writing questionnaires and a Likert scale survey. The sample was divided into two groups named Experimental and Control groups respectively. The first group received instruction through GC and the other one was taught in a traditional way. The results demonstrated that students writing performance improved when they use Google Classroom.es_ES
dc.subjectEnseñanza aprendizajees_ES
dc.subjectMagister en pedagogía de los idiomas nacionales y extranjeros mención enseñanza de ingléses_ES
dc.subjectTesis y disertaciones académicases_ES
dc.titleThe use of Google Classroom to enhance writing skills among EFL learnerses_ES
Appears in Collections:Maestría en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Mención Enseñanza

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