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DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.advisor | Gonzaga Vallejo, Luz Clara | es_ES | | Valenzuela Granda, Francis Karina | es_ES | | 2022-03-24T11:02:49Z | - | | 2022-03-24T11:02:49Z | - | | 2022 | es_ES |
dc.identifier.citation | Valenzuela Granda, F. K. Gonzaga Vallejo, L. C. (2022) Diseño de un producto turístico para la reactivación delturismo comunitario en la comunidad de Santa Bárbara delaEsperanzaaño2021 [Tesis de Grado, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja]. Repositorio Institucional. | es_ES |
dc.identifier.other | Cobarc: 1352690 | es_ES |
dc.identifier.uri | | es_ES |
dc.description | turismocomunitarioenSantaBárbaradelaEsperanza.Serealizóunmuestreoa163personas,paraconocersupredisposiciónporconocerlacomunidad.Losresultadosobtenidos,determinaronque;el91%delosencuestados,síestán dispuestosavisitarlacomunidad;porsusatractivosnaturales , costumbres y tradiciones; a más de degustar de la gastronomía; pues todas estasactividadestienenmucharelevanciaparasubienestarpsicosocial,elcualfueafectadoporelconfinamiento,acausadelCOVID-19. | es_ES |
dc.description.abstract | Abstract: The community of Santa Bárbara de la Esperanza is located in one of the so-called magicaltowns, such as the Cotacachi canton; Due to its geographical location, it is surrounded by avariety of fauna and flora, in turn; It has a unique cultural wealth, which is very attractive totourists. A couple of years ago, the community received tourists, thanks to the Runa Tuparitour operator, but; Currently, Santa Barbara is going through a complicated period due to theCOVID-19pandemic.Therefore,thepresentworkwasdevelopedtopromotethereactivationof community tourism in Santa Bárbara de la Esperanza. A sample was made of 163 people,to know their predisposition to know the community. The results obtained, determined that;91% of those surveyed are willing to visit the community; for its natural attractions, customsand traditions; besides tasting the gastronomy; because all these activities are very relevantfortheirpsychosocialwell-being,whichwasaffectedbyconfinement,duetoCOVID-19. | es_ES |
dc.language.iso | spa | es_ES |
dc.subject | Ecuador. | es_ES |
dc.subject | Tesis digital. | es_ES |
dc.title | Diseño de un producto turístico para la reactivación delturismo comunitario en la comunidad de Santa Bárbara delaEsperanzaaño2021 | es_ES |
dc.type | bachelorThesis | es_ES |
Appears in Collections: | Titulación de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras |
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