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Título : A descriptive analysis of anglicism used in Ecuadorean magazines
Autor : Arias Cordova, Maria Olivia
García Peñafiel, Margarita del Lourdes
Palabras clave : Anglicism
Fecha de publicación : 27-feb-2012
Descripción : This research is about a Descriptive Analysis of Anglicisms in Ecuadorian Magazines. The present investigation has the following general objective: To research on the linguistic phenomenon of Anglicisms used in Ecuadorian Magazines. This research work was carried out in Santa Elena in the province of Santa Elena. It started with the collection of six Ecuadorian magazines: Cultural, Scholarly and General interest edited in different dates. These magazines were: “La casa” N.1 and N,3, “PC World” N.329, “Gestión Eonomía and Sociedad” N.192, “Vistazo” N.997 and “Caras” No.97. For the present research the analytical, descriptive, qualitative, quantitative, and bibliographic methods were used. The descriptive method was applied to make a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The bibliographic method was used to gather the information for the Literature Review as well. The final results I got through this study showed that “General interest magazines” used the most anglicisms, in the second place “Scholarly magazines” and finally “Cultural magazines” used the fewest anglicisms. 2 This research showed that Ecuadorians do accept Anglicisms as elements of foreign language to live with, imported from a fast –growing dominant culture. They have shown that in most cases improve comprehension. However, in others reveal the little information about foreign terminology and the lack of good habits of study at the time of editing an article from who belong to written media.
URI : http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/2263
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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