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Title: Native language interference in learning english as foreign language: an analysis of written material produced by spanish speaking students in senior high school classes
Authors: Granda Martínez, Renato Lenin
Ochoa, César (Dir)
Keywords: Difficulty of learning - English
English - Teaching
Issue Date: 27-Jul-2010
Description: Interference of native language in the learning of a foreign language is a fact, for this reason, this research is intended to describe and analyze some specific aspects of grammar and vocabulary use in EFL writing and to find out the level of interference of spanish linguistic habits in english performance. The results gotten illustrate that the lack of knowledge with respect to Grammar and syntactic rules in EFL by the students is evident. There have been a lot of researches in the field of native language interference on the target language. In fact, extensive works on the interference of diverse languages such as japanese, french, russian and many others have been done.
Appears in Collections:Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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