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Title: A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in Ecuadorian Magazines
Authors: Salcedo Viteri, Karina
Salvador Valle, Pablo Francisco
Keywords: Linguistica
Quito - Pichincha - Ecuador
Anglicismos hispanos
Ciencias de la Educación - Tesis
Anglicismos en revistas ecuatorianas
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: Salvador Valle, Pablo Francisco. (2011). A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in Ecuadorian Magazines A descriptive analysis of anglicisms used in Ecuadorian Magazines. (Tesis de Licenciatura Ciencias de la Educación Mensión Ingles). UTPL, Quito. pp 111
Description: The bibliographic method was an important part as method to collect available information about this topic; thus the bibliographic information was gathering by note-taking technique and instruments such as bibliographic cards. To develop the investigation the descriptive and analytical methods were used; consequently, the investigation contains the linguistic and comparative analysis. The first one covers three aspects such as: morphological, semantic and syntactic analysis and the second one was done with the anglicisms found in each variable and later they were compared among the variables.
Appears in Collections:Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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