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Título : The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classes
Autor : Montenegro Ortega, Omar Cornelio
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Paladines Benitez J, Jhoana Elizabeth
Palabras clave : Educación
Materiales de enseñanza
Ciencias de la Educación - Tesis
metadata.dc.date.available: 2012-05-07
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Citación : Montenegro Ortega, Omar Cornelio. (2012). The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classes. (Tesis de Ciencias de la Educación - Ingles). UTPL. Quito. pp. 79.
Descripción : The research is about “The Use of Supplementary Materials for Teaching Children in EFL Classes”. The purpose of it was to determine and analyze the type of supporting materials used for teaching children in EFL classes, how pertinent, appropriate and qualified those materials are. This investigation takes place in one of the Quito’s city private elementary school. This study is focused on children of 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. The methods applied to carry out this research were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative analysis described the supplementary materials that were used in each classroom, taking in account the pertinence, appropriateness and quality of each one. The quantitative analysis is going to analyze the type of supplementary material used to teach children. The research is mainly based on observations, surveys, scientific approach; and personal approach.
metadata.dc.identifier.other: 371X2772
URI : http:/dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/2866
metadata.dc.rights: openAccess
metadata.dc.type: bachelorThesis
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación

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