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Título : Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schools
Autor : Benítez Correa, Carmen Delia
Maldonado Castro, Fabricio Alejandro
Palabras clave : Educación secundaria
Lengua inglesa - Enseñanza
Inglés - Métodos de enseñanza
Lenguaje y lenguas - Enseñanza
Ciencias de la educación - Inglés - Disertaciones académicas
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Citación : Maldonado Castro, Fabricio Alejandro. (2014). Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schools. (TRabajo de fin de titulación de Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación Mención Inglés). UTPL, Quito. 71 pp.
Descripción : English language learning is vital for high school students´ development; however, the level of knowledge of the language has had problems. Because of this, this study has been carried out to identify and analyze the factors that influence the teaching-learning process of private Ecuadorian high schools. Through the analysis of the factors in this study, it was found that the system has some failures; observations to teachers were useful to confirm these failures and to investigate these problems more deeply. The participants of this study were fifteen teachers from Ecuadorian private high schools located in Quito city. The analysis was carried out according to the information obtained from the teachers and students´ opinion. Some of the most important aspects found were that teachers have to better the English language command, that institutions do not supervise teachers correctly, also that the number of students is high in relation to the size of classrooms, and finally that students´ English level is low.
URI : http:/dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/9261
ISSN : 1141416
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Inglés

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