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Título : OCW-S: Enablers for building sustainable open education evolving OCW and MOOC
Autor : Piedra Pullaguari, N.
Chicaiza Espinosa, J.
Tovar, E.
Palabras clave : learning platform
massive open online course
open educational resources
open educations
Fecha de publicación : 7-ago-2013
Editorial : IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON
Resumen : MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) promote mass education through collaboration scenarios between participants. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of MOOCs that can be incorporated into environments such as OpenCourseWare. We develop a study on how the concept of OCW evolves nowadays: focused on the distribution of open educational resources, towards a concept of collaborative open massive training (as with the MOOC), that not all current learning platforms provide. This new generation of social OCW will be called OCW-S
URI : http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/handle/123456789/19162
ISBN : 21659559
ISSN : 9.78E+17
Otros identificadores : 10.1109/EduCon.2013.6530269
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de revistas Científicas

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