Browsing by Author Burneo Burneo, Rosario María

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Feb-2012A descriptive analysis of anglicism in ecuadorian magazinesBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Bermeo Villacis, Miriam de las Mercedes
2014Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Guerrero Vivanco, Alexandra Elizabeth
2014Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian Public high schoolsBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Ramírez Aguilar, Mónica Viviana
2013Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian public high schools, research carried out at “Colegio Nacional Calderón”, “Colegio Nacional Luxemburgo”, “Colegio Nacional Técnico Nicolás Jiménez”, “Colegio Helena Cortés Bedoya” y Colegio Técnico Salesiano Don Bosco” from Quito, Pichincha province in the school year 2012-2013Burneo Burneo, Rosario María; Portero López, Anabel Paulina
2014La influencia de las clases numerosas en el proceso de enseñanza del Inglés en los Colegios del EcuadorBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Pozo García, Johanna María
1994Semantic relations of the conjunction and but orBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Ruiz Salcedo, María Natacha
2015Teachers and students´ perceptions of teaching English in small classes in Ecuador /Burneo Burneo, Rosario María; Maldonado Valdivieso, Marlebne Esperanza
2014The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Llumipanta Chausa, William Alfredo
2013The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classesBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Pizarro Zea, Claudia Nataly
2012The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classesBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Hernández Argudo, Christian Eduardo
2012The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classesBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Jerves Crespo, Carlos Eduardo
2014The use of supplementary materials for teaching EFL classes with a comparative analysis of public and private Higs SchoolsBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Martínez Luzuriaga, Cayo Antonio
2012The use of supplementary materials in EFL classes: a comparative analysis of public and private high schoolsBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Rueda Bilbao, Carlos Andrés
2013The use of supplementary materials in EFL classes: A comparative analysis of public and private high schoolsBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; León Ludeña, Jorge Luis
1990The use of the audio-cassette in the development of oral communication in english of the students enroled in the at-a-distance systemBurneo Burneo, Rosario María; Altamirano Arias, Maritza; Unda Costa, Ana Lucia