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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Ecuadorian public high school teachers 769 perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID19 pandemicDarquea Sánchez, Sara Eugenia; Yuquilima Campoverde, Fátima Adriana
2022Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programNesterenko, Nina Aleksandrovna; Barros Ochoa, Jenny Elizabeth
2022Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programArias Córdova, María Olivia; Galindo Medina, María José
2022Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programUlehlova, Eva; Pozo Hernández, Ligia Guadalupe
2022The Effects Of Interactive Modes In Learning English As A Foreign LanguageCristina Kathalina Morocho Pintado; Estrada Estrada Libia Cecibel
2022The Role Of Peer Correction And Teacher Feedback In The Improvement Of Writing Skills In High School Students.María Olivia Arias Córdova; Avila Pacheco Janeth Adriana
2022The Effects Of Interactive Modes In Learning English As A Foreign LanguageCristina Kathalina Morocho Pintado; Estrada Estrada Libia Cecibel
2022The Role Of Peer Correction And Teacher Feedback In The Improvement Of Writing Skills In High School StudentsLeidy Adriana Vivanco Ríos; Buenaño Solis Nicole Elizabeth
2022The Role Of Peer Correction And Teacher Feedback In The Improvement Of Writing Skills In High School StudentsFranklin Oswaldo Espinosa Jaramillo; Azuero Carrion Angelica Stefania
2022The Use Of Fables To Enhance Speaking Skills In Students Of A High SchoolEva Ulehlova; Chamba Guachizaca Maria Augusta