Browsing by Subject Gramática inglesa

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015An EFL students’ case study in written grammar errors and mistakes when learning English as a foreign languageArias Córdova, María Olivia; Gonzaga Sánchez, Lizeth Katherine
2015Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsBenítez Correa, Carmen Delia; González Bueno, María Fernanda
2015Percepciones de los profesores y estudiantes de la enseñanza del idioma ingles en clases pequeñasNesterenko, Nina; Martínez Hernández, Hiveed Paulina
2015Students perceptions on the factors that influence their willingness to orally communicate in the EFL classroom in Ecuadorian high schoolsSalcedo Viteri, Karina Soledad; Armijos Yambay, Karen de Fatima
2015Teachers and students perceptions of teaching English in small classes in EcuadorQuiñónez Beltrán, Ana Lucía; Silva Acosta, María Augusta
2015Teachers and students perceptions of teaching English in small classes in EcuadorUlehlova, Eva; Angulo Cárdenas, Marcelo Iván
2015Teachers and students` perceptions of teaching English in small classes in EcuadorToro Gallardo, Lisset Vanessa; Herrera Loján, Marjorie Lizbeth
2015Teachers and students´ perceptions of teaching English in small classes in EcuadorUlehlova, Eva; Peralta Gallegos, Carlos Alberto
2015Teachers and students´ perceptions of teaching English in small classes in EcuadorGonzález Torres, Paúl Fernando; Ramos Verdesoto, Omar Alí
2015Teachers and students´ perceptions of teaching English in small classes in Ecuador. Este estudio fue realizado en cinco colegios del cantón Archidona, provincia de Napo, en el año lectivo 2013 2014Camacho Minuche, Gina Karina; Yachimba Alcaciega, Fausto Aníbal
2015The influence of large classes in the English language teaching- learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Tutivén Bone, Mónica Paola
2015The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsBenítez Correa, Carmen Delia; Bermúdez Guerrero, María Elisa
2015The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsNesterenko, Nina; De Mera Ureta, Verónica Verenice
2015The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in ecuadorian high schoolsSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Chong Menéndez, Tereza del Rosario
2015The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian high schools, estudio realizado en el Colegio Nacional Manta del cantón Manta, provincia de Manabí, en el año lectivo 2013 2014Espinosa Jaramillo, Franklin Oswaldo; Bowen Mancheno, Brigitte; Delgado Bailón, María de Lourdes
2015The influence of large classes in the English language Teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian public high school, estudio realizado en el colegío fiscal ¨Francisco Campos Coello¨, canton Guayaquil, provincia del Guayas, en el año lectivo 2013 2014Ochoa Cueva, César Augusto; Adum Barrezueta, Soraya Nazri
2015The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian public high schoolsBenítez Correa, Carmen Delia; Bonilla Quimbiulco, Javier Oswaldo