Maestría en Pedagogía de la Enseñanza de Inglés Como Lengua Extranjera Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Influence of MLearning Apps to Improve Eightgraders Speaking skills inanEcuadorian Public High Schoolof the CoastUlehlova, Eva; Andrade Garcés, Andrea Alexandra
2021New Technologybased techniques aimed at overcoming phonetic difficulties to produce the fricative phoneme /θ/ and final consonant cluster /st/ in adult EFL learnersMorocho Pintado, Cristina Kathalina; Guillén Fiallos, Christian Raúl
2019The impact of the use of songs in the learning of English vocabulary in 8th grade students of Cariamanga schoolCastillo Cuesta, Luz Mercedes; Escaleras Encarnación, Viviana Elizabeth
2018Development of academic vocabulary by isolated presentation strategies vs in-context presentation strategies: comparative analysisEspinosa Jaramillo, Franklin Oswaldo; Ponce Martínez, Roberth Israel
2018Implementing Google Docs to provide feedback and enhance students’ written tasksZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Espinoza Vera, María Verónica
2018Effectiveness of direct and indirect teacher feedback vs online peer feedback on the EFL written productionGonzález Torres, Paúl Fernando; Puga Andino, Sandra Elizabeth
2018Using formative assessment to teach vocabulary and grammar in the EFL classroomCabrera Solano, Paola Alexandra; Ocampo Villacís, Carlos Rolando
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7