Maestría en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 32
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2018The integration of the four language learning skills through the use of a Moodle platform to enhance students’ English oral performanceParedes Zúñiga, Fabián Marcelo.; Dillon Arias, Silvia Lorena
2018The use of cooperative learning as a strategy to improve EFL students´ speaking skillsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Macias Silva, Evelyn Carolina
2018The use of the Socrative App as an innovative technological tool to carry out formative assessment activities related to reading comprehension for EFL learnersParedes Zúñiga, Fabián Marcelo; Guamán Gordillo, María del Cisne
2017A comparative study on the effectiveness of the use of explicit correction in the improvement of EFL university students oral production: grammar and pronunciation accuracyCabrera Solano, Paola Alexandra; Loja Criollo, Zoila Yolanda
2017The Effectiveness of the use of Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures Timed Pair Share, Numbered Heads Together, and Talking Chips in the development of EFL university students oral fluencyNesterenko, Nina Alexandrovna; Loja Criollo, Ana Beatriz
2017Metodología para potenciar el proceso educativo en niños(as) de Educación Inicial de la Escuela Alonso de Mercadillo de la Ciudad de Loja, durante el año lectivo 2016 - 2017Jiménez Aguilera, Edith Piedad; Sánchez Rogel, Mary del Cisne
2017The use of Powtoon and VideoScribe in a flipped classroom to improve listening and speaking skills on distance undergraduate studentsCamacho Minuche, Gina Karina; Morocho Pintado, Cristina Kathalina
20170925Teachers and students´ perceptions on the factors that influence on the development of students writing skills when using the Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach (CLIL): a case of a bilingual schoolVargas Saritama, Alba Bitalina; Rojas González, Livington Javier
2015El uso exitoso de la metodología Presentar-Practicar-Producir en el aula estudio de caso. Portafolio programa de TEFLCamacho Minuche, Gina Karina; López Vinueza, Joseph Marcelo
12-dic-2014EFL student case study – Progress and improvement of a student’s writing skills studying at a private institute – TEFL program portfolio [Cabrera Solano, Paola Alexandra; Paredes Zúñiga, Fabián Marcelo
12-dic-2014A case study of an English as a foreign language grammar student, TEFL program portfolio [Camacho Minuche, Gina Karina; Espinosa Jaramillo, Franklin Oswaldo
2014Improvement of the writing of a student from the distance education at Universidad Tecnica Particular de LojaCabrera Solano, Paola Alexandra; Morocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria
2014A case study of an english as a foreing language reading student at fine-tuned english language School-TEFL program portfolioIber, George; Cabrera Solano, Paola Alexandra
2010Native language interference in learning English as a foreign language: an analysis of written material produced by Spanish speaking students in senior high school classes.Morocho, Elsa; Proaño Pérez, Paulina
2012EFL Student Case Study : WRITING IMPROVEMENT : TRAVELERS’S TALES -TEFL Program PortfolioCamacho Minuche, Gina Karina; Jiménez Arévalo, Fernanda de los Dolores
2012An EFL student case study of English as a foreign language – TEFL program portfolioPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Flores Torres, Mónica Cristina
2012EFL Student Case Study - TEFL Program PortfolioPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Kovacic, Mislav
2012An EFL student case study of English as a foreign language in the Writing skill – TEFL program portfolioVargas Saritama, Alba Bitalina; Aguirre Aguirre, María Alejandra
2012An EFL Student Case Study of the improvement of Grammar skills in a private high school -TEFL Program PortfolioCastillo Cuesta, Luz Mercedes; Celi Jaramillo, Karina Alexandra
2012An EFL Student case study on Content Based English Teaching –TEFL program portfolioIber, George; Miño Andrade, María Lorena
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 32