Browsing by Author Morocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Feb-2012A descriptive analysis of anglicisms Used in ecuadorian magazinesMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Infante Paredes, Alicia Mercedes
2010A Descriptive Analysis of Anglicisms Used in Ecuadorian NewspapersMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Topa Soria, Nelson Gustavo; Zhunio Quilambaqui, Yandre Wilson
2019Analysis of EFL teachers skills, attitudes, and use regarding ICT in Ecuadorian private high schoolsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Loaiza Coello, Karen Estefania
2019Analysis of EFL teachers skills, attitudes, and use regarding ICT in Ecuadorian private high schoolsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Loaiza Coello, Karen Estefania
2019Analysis of EFL teachers` skills, attitudes, and use regarding ICT in Ecuadorian private high schoolsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Vázquez Ortiz, Estefanía Lucrecia
2022Analysis of the implementation of the English teaching approaches established in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Curriculum in a public high school in LojaMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Báez Feijóo, Ariana Gabriela
2019Ecuadorian private high school teachers perceptions on ICT use in their EFL classesMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Tirira Viana, Violeta Nataly
2019Ecuadorian private high school teachers perceptions on ICT use in their EFL classesMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Tirira Viana, Violeta Nataly
2017Ecuadorian public high school students errors in EFL writing skillMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; García Vásquez, Grace Lissette
2022Ecuadorian Public high school teacher s perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID -19 pandemicMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Garnica Bautista, Gloria Janeth
2022Ecuadorian public high school teachers perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemicMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Galarza Carrión, Estefanía Alexandra
2021Evaluation of an English Language Program to identify the Elements of the Curriculum A Case Study of a Public Elementary School in Ecuador /Morocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Campoverde Cárdenas, Cristian Salvador
2020Evaluation of an English Language Program to identify the Elements of the Curriculum. A case study of a Private high school in EcuadorMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Bravo Jiménez, Claudia Johanna.
2021Factors affecting students english communication skillsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Chiluisa Vivas, Evelin Vanessa
2021Factors affecting students english communication skillsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Chiluisa Vivas, Evelin Vanessa
2023Factors that influence high school students English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Ramón Labanda, Efitha Irene
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Salas Cabrera, Daniel Alejandro
2015Factors that influence the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Galarza Chávez, Alfredo.
2014Improvement of the writing of a student from the distance education at Universidad Tecnica Particular de LojaCabrera Solano, Paola Alexandra; Morocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria
2018Providing feedback as a strategy to improve students productive skills in EFL classrooms in LojaMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Huachizaca Pugo, Viviana Thalia