Browsing by Author Ochoa Cueva, César Augusto

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012A n EFL Writing Case Study of a Student at the Language Department of the Army Polytechnic School-TEFL Program PortfolioOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Zapata Viteri, Carmen Alexandra
2012An EFL student case study of English as a foreign language in the Tourism and Hotel Management qualification at UTPL- TEFL program portfolioOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Arias Córdova, María Olivia
2022Assessing the effect of storytelling on longer vocabulary retentionOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Aguirre Vicuña, Andrea Silvana
2022EFL students perceptions of using LingQ to enhance reading skillsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Herrera Chamba, Cristina Yussibeth
2020Evaluation of an English language program focused on the elements of the curriculum: A case study of a public high school in Ecuador.Ochoa Cueva, César Augusto; Ríos Mocha, Jean Beatriz.
2020Evaluation of an English language program to identify the elements of the curriculum. A case study of a private institute in Ecuador.Ochoa Cueva, César Augusto; Pardo Ordóñez, Karen Gabriela.
2022Factors affecting EFL students oral communication skillsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Carlosama Tambi, Alex Ignacio
2021Factors affecting students english communication skillsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Caisaguano Anchatuña, Diana Vanessa
2013Factors that affect the English language teaching - learning process in Ecuadorian public high schoolsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Saltos Vivas, María Alexandra; Chávez Zambrano, Mirian Xiomara
2013Factors that affect the English language teaching - learning process in Ecuadorian public high schools, estudio realizado en 5 colegios públicos de la ciudad de Cuenca, provincia del Azuay, en el período Abril - Agosto 2012Ochoa Cueva, César Augusto; Castillo Sarango, Soledad Monserrath
2013Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian public high schools, made in El Carmen, Manabí, during the 2012 -2013 high school periodOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Mena Valdiviezo, Luis Alberto
2023Factors that influence high school students English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Domínguez Muela, Viviana Nicole
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Fárez Torres, Diego Fernando
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Franco Zarie, Marena Yamel
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Yunga Godoy, Deisi Cecibel
2021Lyrics Training website as a resource for improving listening comprehension in an EFL class An Ecuadorian case studyOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Álvarez Urrego, Melvin Alexis
2018Students difficulties when learning the skills of listening and speaking in an EFL context: An Ecuadorian case studyOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Pineda Jiménez, Michelle Stefanía
2015Students Perceptions on their Listening Comprehension Difficulties in EFL Classrooms an Ecuadorian caseOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Nolivos Espinosa, Magdalena Judith
2019Students Perceptions on their Listening Comprehension Difficulties in EFL Classrooms: an Ecuadorian caseOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; Nolivos Espinosa, Magdalena Judith
2016Systematization of Pedagogical ExperiencesOchoa Cueva, César Augusto; García Vásquez, Karla Ximena