Browsing by Author Pinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova

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Showing results 21 to 39 of 39 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Students´perceptions on the factors that influence their willingness to orally communicate in the EFL classroom in Ecuadorian high schoolsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Baquerizo Adum, Leonor Elizabeth
2017Students’ perceptions on their listening comprehension difficulties in EFLclassrooms: An Ecuadorian casePinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Recalde Moran, Jenny Narciza Elizabeth
2020Systematization of pedagogycal experiences in the EFL teaching training programPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Vega Arguello, Ana Angélica
2015Teachers and students’ perceptions of teaching English in small classes in EcuadorPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Flores Limongi, María de la Merced
2016Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of teaching English in small classes in EcuadorPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Celi Herrera, Ana Belén
2020The impact of Kahoot and Quizizz as digital learning tools to improve grammar and vocabulary in EFL classroomsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Robles Juárez, Jéssica Alexandra
2016The influence of large classes in the English language teaching – learning process in Ecuadorian high schools.Pinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Molina Crespo, Morayma Guillermina; Verdugo González, Ruth Concepción
2016The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Encalada Vega, Yadira Mercedes
2016The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Aguaiza Lazo, María Sebastiana; Vásquez Andrade, Erika del Rocío
2022The lack of practicing the speaking and listening skills in the EFL classrooms and its effecton students oral productionPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Calva Jiménez, Pedro Geovanny
2019The most common punctuation errors in EFL students writing /Pinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Ontaneda Pinza, Cristina Elizabeth
2019The most common punctuation errors in EFL students writing /Pinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Ontaneda Pinza, Cristina Elizabeth
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Riofrío Yépez del Pozo, Laura Andrea
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Armijos López, Gladis Steffanía
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Rodríguez Cabrera, Dolores del Rocío
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Ajila Pinzón, Paúl Alexander
2012The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classesPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Garzón Peña, Verónica Catalina; Guamán Sarmiento, Sonia Karolina
15-Mar-2012The Use of Supplementary Materials for Teaching Children in EFL ClassesPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Astudillo Segovia, Carmen Cecilia; Peralta Astudillo, María Eulalia
2012The use of Supplementary Materials in EFL Classes: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private High Schools.Pinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Espinoza Villa, Luis Patricio