Browsing by Author Zúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012A case study of an English as a foreign language student focused on writing skills - TEFL program portfolioZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Heredia Quinde, Tania Mireya
2010A Descriptive Analysis of Anglicisms Used in Ecuadorian NewspapersZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Morales Rodas, Lina Yolanda
2012An EFL student reading case study of English as a foreign language in the secondary private education industry – TEFL Program PortfolioZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Palaniuk, Tiffany Marie
2021Ecuadorian public high school teachers perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID19 pandemicZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Celi Celi, Jessica Maribel
2021Ecuadorian public highschool teachers perceptions on technological resources used by teachersin their EFL classroom during the COVID19 pandemicZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Carbo Rosero, Nancy Cristina
2020Evaluation of an English Language Program to identify the Elements of the Curriculum. A Case Study of a Private and a Public High School in EcuadorZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Solano Godoy, Ana María.
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Aguilar Paredes, Paulina Soledad
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Gualan Lapo, Maira Esperanza
2015Factors that influence the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Subía Ricaurte, María Alexandra
2018Implementing Google Docs to provide feedback and enhance students’ written tasksZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Espinoza Vera, María Verónica
2016Teachers and students perceptions of teaching and learning English in small classes in EcuadorZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Ramírez Garzón, Karla Lorena
2016The influence of large clases in the English language teaching learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Albán Grados, Jorge Fernando
2016The influence of large classes in the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian high schoolsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Godoy Rodríguez, Nelly Gisella
2015The level achieved by graduated students of two English language learning academies in LojaZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Sarango Rivas, Sara Salomé
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Núñez Cepeda, Ericka Patricia
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Jaya Cabrera, Celso
2012The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classesZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Bustamante Yépez, María del Cisne
2012The use of supplementary materials for teaching children in EFL classesZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Carrión Arévalo, Johanna Gabriela; Orellana Jimbo, Carlos Andrés