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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 153
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Preferencias académicas de los estudiantes de la Carrera de Derecho y su vinculación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) a través del estudio de sentenciasAguirre Bermeo Andrea Catalina; Márquez Cueva Pablo Javier
2024Systematization of Pedagogical Experiences in the EFL Teaching Training ProgramVivanco Ríos, Leidy Adriana; Duche López, Anthony Steven
2024Trabajo para ser publicado en revistaJaramillo Pontón, Mayra Fernanda; Torres Peña, Anthony Jefferson
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsHEREDIA QUIROZ MARIA AUGUSTA; MEJIA CEVALLOS JOHANNA DANIELA
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsTORO GALLARDO LISSET VANESSA; VILLAVICENCIO LOPEZ RONNIE ISAAC
2024Extracurricular strategies of autonomous work used by students to improve English language learningSalcedo Viteri, Karina Soledad; Espinosa Salcedo, María Piedad
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsPAREDES ZUÑIGA FABIAN MARCELO; JARAMILLO CORONEL MICHELLE ESTEFANY
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsESPINOSA JARAMILLO FRANKLIN OSWALDO; MONTOYA GUERRERO VALERIA MICHELLE
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsULEHLOVA EVA; MONTAÑO ARMIJOS PABLO DAVID
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsULEHLOVA EVA; MONTAÑO ARMIJOS PABLO DAVID
2024Study learning strategies employed by EFL learners: A study of how they relate to learner autonomy and language proficiencySolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Salazar Aguilar, Britanny Fernanda
2024Using Edpuzzle as a resource for teachers to make EFL learners improve their listening skillsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Riofrio Cuenca, Josselyn Alexandra
2024Exploring the Efficacy of Chat GPT tutoring in Enhancing EFL Grammar instructionParedes Zúñiga, Fabián Marcelo; Palacios Arévalo, Daniela Fernanda
2024The impact of gamification on students' motivation to learn English as a foreign language in Educación General Básica MediaMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Kirby Idrobo, Delia Alejandra
2024Improving EFL Learners' vocabulary through Wordwall-based activitiesVargas Saritama, Alba Bitalina; Jumbo Jumbo, Cinthya Paulina
2024The use of Edpuzzle to improve speaking skillsCamacho Minuche, Gina Karina; Cueva González, Dayana de los Ángeles
2024The influence of Meronymy and Holonomy on EFL vocabulary learningVivanco Ríos, Leidy Adriana; Chimbo Yunga, José Andrés
2024The influence of storytelling on children s motivation to learn English as a foreign languageQuiñonez Beltrán, Ana Lucía; Briceño Santin, Andy Mariana
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsGonzález Torres, Paúl Fernando; Jaramillo Ruiz, Robert Alberto
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsUlehlova, Eva; Anchundia Rosero, José Jonathan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 153