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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 782
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The implementation of Padlet to improve learners speaking skills in high schoolsSalcedo Viteri, Karina Soledad; Armijos Torres, Daniela Mishel
2021Factors Affecting EFL Students Oral Communication SkillsPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Feria Ponce, Johny Trinidad
1987How to teach english vocabulary in the firstgrade of the primary schools with no resort to translation to spanishReyes Velez, Elisa Yolanda Magdalena; Ramón García, Mélida del Carmen
2010Native Language Interference in the spoken targetToro Gallardo, Lisset Vanessa; Porras Cisternas, Cristina Isabel
2021Factors Affecting EFL Students Oral Communication SkillsEspinosa Jaramillo, Franklin Oswaldo; Martínez Luzuriaga, Karina Yajaira
2011A descriptive analysis of anglicisms in Ecuadorian magazinesPinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanova; Galeas, Marco Vinicio
2021Factors Affecting EFL Students Oral Communication Skills /Jaramillo Pontón, Mayra Fernand; Zambrano Martínez, Miguel Germá
2021Microbloggingbased earning to enhance summarizing skills in EFL writingVivanco Ríos, Leidy Adrian; Gómez González, René Maurici
2021Effects of error feedback in second language students writing in a private language institute in LojaMorocho Pintado, Cristina Kathalin; Saca Remache, Ximena Alejandr
2021The implementation of the padlet platform to increase reading skills at a public high school level in the city of LojaParedes Zúñiga, Fabián Marcel; Macas Japón, Sara Ñusta
2021The effectiveness of authentic videos to improve EFL listening comprehension in the virtual classroomCabrera Solano, Paola Alexandr; Iñiguez Carrión, Juan Diego
2021The implementation of padlet to improve listening in high schools /Morocho Cuenca, Elsa Liri; Granda Songor, Dayanna Victoria
2021The implementation of padlet to increase vocabulary in high school studentsJaramillo Pontón, Mayra Fernand; González Larrea, Daniela Michelle
2021The implementation of padlet to improve learners writing skillin high schoolsToro Gallardo, Lisset Vaness; Cando Ortega, María Elena
2021The implementation of Padlet to improve grammar in highschools /Pinza Tapia, Eliana Ivanov; Bautista Tambo, Silvana Nataly
2021The effect of teaching collocations on students speaking skill /Villarreal Gutiérrez, Pablo André; Solano Jaramillo, Lida Mercede
2021The influence of wikis on EFL students' writingCastillo Cuesta, Luz Mercede; Sánchez Bravo, Valeria Ana
2021The impact of oral and written feedback on students English performanceMorocho Pintado, Cristina Kathalin; Quezada Benitez, Stefany Gabriel
2021The most applied reading strategies in public and private high schools in LojaEspinoza Celi, Verónica Soleda; Vera Vera, Milta Marcel
2021The effectiveness of applications for learning english forlistening and speakingin students learning A case studyUlehlova, Eva; Luna Silva, Karen Anahí
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 782