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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 782
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsSalcedo Viteri, Karina Soledad; Castillo Vega, Liliana Magaly
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Parreño Poveda, Carlos Samuel
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsZúñiga Ojeda, Alexandra; Núñez Cepeda, Ericka Patricia
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsJaramillo Pontón, Mayra Fernanda; Egred Uquillas, Betty Margarita
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in highschool studentsEspinoza Celi, Verónica Soledad; Ortíz Cueva, María Alicia
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsEspinosa Jaramillo, Franklin Oswaldo; Bósquez Arboleda, Alex André
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; López Celi, Paola Alejandra
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsCamacho Minuche, Gina Karina; Luque Vásquez, Martha Daniela
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in highschool studentsVivanco Ríos, Leidy Adriana; Freire Giraldo, Jael Elizabel
2022The role of peer correction and teacher feedback in the improvement of writing skills in high school studentsCastillo Cuesta, Luz Mercedes; Albán Díaz, María José
2022Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programUlehlova, Eva; Luzuriaga Sacoto, Katerine Alexandra
2022Systematization of pedagogical experiencesin the EFL teaching training programUlehlova, Eva; Potosí Argoti, Cinthia Magdalena
2022Ecuadorian public high school teachers 769 perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID19 pandemicJaramillo Pontón, Mayra Fernanda; Ricardo Franco, Melissa Catherine
2022Factors affecting EFL student´s oralcommunication skillsQuiñonez Beltrán, Ana Lucía; Barreno Rosero, Erica Zuleyma
2022Factors affecting EFL students oral communication skillsToro Gallardo, Lisset Vanessa; Terán Fernández, Mónica Alexandra
2022Ecuadorian Public high school teacher s perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID -19 pandemicMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Garnica Bautista, Gloria Janeth
2022Ecuadorian public high school teachers perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemicMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; Galarza Carrión, Estefanía Alexandra
2021Ecuadorian public high school teachers 769 perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID19 pandemicToro Gallardo, Lisset Vanessa; Borja García, Glenda Soledad
2021Ecuadorian public high school teachers perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID19 pandemicToro Gallardo, Lisset Vanessa; Arellano Jumbo, Lenin Fernando
2021Ecuadorian public high school teachers perceptions on technological resources used by teachers in their EFL classrooms during the COVID19 pandemicToro Gallardo, Lisset Vanessa; Arellano Jumbo, Lenin Fernando
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 782