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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 255
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsHEREDIA QUIROZ MARIA AUGUSTA; CHILLO HERAS EDWIN VINICIO
2024Análisis de los hábitos de consumo y la transformación digital en el sector servicios de la ciudad Portoviejo en el año 2024Valverde Jaramillo, Jackson Guillermo; Villigua Quijije, Zoila Candelaria
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsSolano Jaramillo, Lida Mercedes; Quishpe Cushi, Milton Omar
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settings.Jamard, Raphael Marie; León Castelo, Anita Aida
2024Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsInga Ordóñez, Gabriela Cecibel; Solano de la Sala Villacreses, Christian Santiago
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsEspinoza Celi, Verónica Soledad; Ramos Burbano, Estefanía Michelle
2024Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programPrado Camacho, Martha Magdalena; Villarreal Bravo, Lisseth Carolina
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settings.Castillo Cuesta, Luz Mercedes; Fierro Echeverría, María Eugenia
2024The use of authentic material through WhatsApp in teaching listening skills in EFL out-of-classroom settingsMorocho Cuenca, Elsa Liria; BELTRAN PUPIALES ROBERTO JAVIER
2024Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programNesterenko, Nina Alexandrovna; Calderón Rodríguez, Paola Alexandra
2024Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programNesterenko, Nina Alexandrovna; Bravo Jara, Lilia Beatriz
2024Systematization of pedagogical experiences in the EFL teaching training programMorocho Pintado, Cristina Kathalina; Coello Ulloa, Jaime Mauricio
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 255