Browsing by Author Ulehlova, Eva

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 57  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Analysis of EFL teachers skills, attitudes, and use regarding ICT in Ecuadorian Public high schoolsUlehlova, Eva; Freire Rosero, Tatiana Elizabeth
Apr-2017Coherence, cohesion and UnityEspinoza Celi, Verónica; Ulehlova, Eva
2019Communicative games as alternative method to enhance speaking skills: A case studyUlehlova, Eva; Nde, Elvis Anye
2017Ecuadorian high school teachers perceptions on ICT use in their EFL classesUlehlova, Eva; López Infante, Ángela Cristina
2018Ecuadorian high school teachers’ perceptions on ICT use in their EFL classesUlehlova, Eva; Granda Mayancela, Segundo Manuel
2019Ecuadorian high school teachers´ perceptions on ICT use in their EFL classesUlehlova, Eva; Escobar Caisalitin, Narcisa Mercedes
2019Ecuadorian high school teachers´ perceptions on ICT use in their EFL classesUlehlova, Eva; Escobar Caisalitin, Narcisa Mercedes
2019Ecuadorian private high school teacher s perceptions on ICT use in their classes.Ulehlova, Eva; Faicán Castillo, Paola Katerine
2016English language students and their motivation to learn the languageUlehlova, Eva; zambrano Mendoza, Carmen Rosibel
2020Evaluation of an English language program to identify the elements of the curriculum. A case study of a private high school in Ecuador.Ulehlova, Eva; Simbaña Criollo, Irma Maricela
-1-Uns- -1Factors affecting EFL student s oral communication skills /Ulehlova, Eva; Indacochea Loor, Jessenia Patricia
2023Factors affecting EFL student ́s oral communication skillsUlehlova, Eva; Guamán Tacuri, María José
2017Factors causing difficulties to productive writing skills among EFL. Case study of a comparison of a Public High School & a Private High School in LojaUlehlova, Eva; Pupiales Chuquin, Ector Geovanny
2015Factors that affect the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsUlehlova, Eva; Zapata Osorio, Jimmy Giovanny
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsUlehlova, Eva; Cadena Montenegro, Lisethe Marina
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsUlehlova, Eva; Balón Orrala, Lucrecia Edith
2023Factors that influence high school students' english oral communication skills in ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsUlehlova, Eva; Torres Vallejos, Nathaly Masiel
2023Factors that influence high school students' English oral communication skills in Ecuadorian face-to-face learning environmentsUlehlova, Eva; Armijos Maldonado, Ximena Alexandra
2014Factors that influence the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsUlehlova, Eva; Zhigue Tituana, Heidi Mariangela
2014Factors that influence the English language teaching-learning process in Ecuadorian private high schoolsUlehlova, Eva; Zurita Rosado, Tanya Magali